NEFA Rules and Policies
Fencing Floor * The fencing floor is a restricted area: ONLY FENCERS in proper attire may be on it. Non-participants and parents must stay in the designated seating area.
Guests and Spectators
* Parents/guardians/friends who bring non-enrolled children to the fencing session must be sure they are not disruptive to the class or visitors. Disruptions would include, for example, excessive noise or coming onto the fencing floor.
* Cell phones must be turned off or set on vibration only. If you need to use your cell phone, please do so outside the gym.
* We are guests of the venue where we conduct classes. We are not allowed to use any items that belong to the school or recreation department.
* When it is wet outdoors due to rain or snow, all fencers must bring a spare pair of (dry) sneakers or fencing shoes to change into for class. Visitors are likewise prohibited from wearing wet shoes into the gym. Please remove your shoes before entering the gym.
* Food and beverages other than water are not allowed.
Dress Code
* Tuck in your T-Shirt.
* Long pants must be worn (preferably fencing knickers or sweatpants).
* Sneakers or fencing shoes must be worn on the fencing floor.
* Respect the coach and abide by his/her instructions and rules – this is for your safety.
* No talking or horseplay during instruction or fencing.
* No running with the weapon.
* Never point a weapon at someone who is not wearing a mask. Ever. No exceptions.
* Always keep the point of your weapon below knee level when not actively involved in a drill or bout.
* A full fencing set of equipment must be worn when bouting or engaging in any contact during a class or lesson. Shorts are not allowed, and long socks must be worn with knickers. (Shorts and bare legs are allowed when the class or lesson is on just footwork or non-contact blade work.)
* If you don’t have knickers, you must wear sweatpants or long pants of suitably robust material. Thin knits, spandex, etc. are not acceptable. Whatever pants are worn must come up to the natural waist and must be free of holes. Low-rise waistlines are not allowed. If the pants don’t come down to the ankles, appropriate socks must be worn.
* Chest protection is required for all female fencers regardless of age. No exceptions!
* If you see unsafe activity in a bout or elsewhere, call a halt! If the activity continues or is repeated, bring it to the coach’s attention immediately.
* Respect the equipment. They are called ‘weapons’ for a reason.
Your behavior reflects the attitudes and image of the New England Fencing Alliance/NEFA. Therefore, we will NOT permit swearing, displays of temper, pouting, whining, or sulking. Fencers will always show respect to officials, coaches, teammates, parents, and visitors.
The sport of fencing is, by its very nature, competitive. In any given encounter, one person will be victorious, and one will be defeated. Learning to accept victory gracefully is at least as important as learning that defeat can also be a useful lesson. Thus fencing, by its very nature, teaches sportsmanship, resilience, and mental toughness.* First and foremost, observe common courtesy.
* Respect each other. We’re all here for the same reason: the love of fencing.
* Always respect your opponent and observe fencing etiquette. Good sportsmanship is an important part of fencing.
* Each fencer will salute his/her opponent before drilling and salute and shake hands after drilling.
* Each fencer will salute his/her opponent, the referee, and the audience before every bout, salute his/her opponent, and shake hands after every bout.
* In non-refereed bouts, discussions of priority and valid touches are to be resolved quickly and amicably between the participants or thrown out. In non-electric bouting, the fencers are expected to acknowledge touches against them. In refereed bouts, the decision belongs solely to the referee and that decision is final, unless, at a tournament, it is a question appropriate for a bout committee. Fencers and guests are expected to treat all referees with respect regardless of the outcome of any particular call or encounter.
Borrowing fencing equipment
* Do not touch (let alone borrow) another fencer’s equipment without the owner’s consent. Remember, just because that person said ‘yes’ to loaning you a blade the past three weeks doesn’t mean they can’t say ‘no’ this time. It’s their equipment so it’s their choice. Exception: When equipment is in danger of being stepped on or is causing some other safety concern, you may move it to the nearest safe place. Notify the fencer that their equipment was moved and why. * If you borrow another fencer’s weapon and break it, make arrangements with the owner to pay for or replace the broken equipment.
Proper understanding of the rules will lead to a more positive experience for everyone.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let Coach Michael know. We are always interested in improving the Fencing Program and every suggestion will be taken into consideration.
It is the policy of NEFA to provide equal opportunity for all fencers. We do not and shall not discriminate by race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, or sexual orientation in any of its activities or operations.